This project is a children's book about housepets taking an adventure through NYC. The author and illustrator's goal is to raise $2,500 by May 5, 2013. As of now, they are 62% funded. Here were my reasons why I was so appealed to this project and why I chose to back. I think its helpful for artist considering kickstarter to undertand their target market and the reasons they would (or wouldn't) back a project.
- The first thing that helped was that the project's location was NYC. Having a location in the same vicinity appealed to me greatly. It was also the first projects that popped up during my search.
- I loved the mockup illustrations. Seeing these sample images for the story helped be visualize the story.
- I liked some of the price options. For $20 backing, you get an autographed ebook and a personal thank you note. The ebook would be great to share with your family and children. I also liked the ultimate reward, for $1,000, they will fly you out to NYC to get a tour and meet the author and illustrator.
I wish Jason and Kobsupang Robertson Kickstarter success. Please help back this project for them to achieve their goal! I can't wait to start my Kickstarter soon.
Here is a link to the Kickstarter Project:
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